Monday, January 21, 2013

A Thank-You Note To The NRA (OP-ED)

Dear National Rifle Association,

Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done so that your commercial members may see larger profits.

Thank you for all your influential lobbying that prevents lawmakers from daring to suggest common sense gun control.

Thank you for advocating legislation that would allow for unfettered access to guns and protect those who kill with guns.

Thank you for perpetuating the view that gun ownership is a careless right rather than a grave responsibility.

Thank you for your noble efforts in fostering the belief that the only effective method of self-defense is bloody and lethal violence.

Thank you for helping to stunt the evolution of nonlethal self-defense that would greatly reduce the 500+ accidental gun deaths per year, almost half of which are children.

Thank you for propagating the paranoia Americans have against other Americans.

Thank you for your assistance in shaping a culture that yields 10,000+ annual U.S. firearm homicides and kills 400+ children under the age of 14 each year.

Thank you for your contributions to a country where school children must step away from their academics in order to practice classroom drills that would protect them from crazed gunmen.

Thank you for putting a higher priority on the right to bear arms than the right to life.